Casual Chess
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Casual Chess
Chess is rightfully considered a game of kings, military leaders, and philosophers. Similar sayings can be found in a huge number of different works that belong to the most famous people in human history. It is not surprising that chess has become so popular as in this game everything depends on the player. You do not need to rely on luck and you can forge your own victory from the very first move.
Naturally, such a demand for some kind of entertainment never goes past the attention of the gaming industry, and a huge number of different studios began to release their own versions of chess. Among the most popular we will find Casual chess, which is a game of simple, classic chess that is loved by millions of people around the world.
Perhaps everyone knows the rules of chess. It makes no sense to simply describe all the basic capabilities of each of the pieces since the essence of the game lies not in how and where the piece can move, but in how many moves ahead you can get ahead of the enemy. Here you will have to put a lot of effort and develop a unique strategy for each fight. No wonder that there are no two identical parties. Especially when there are two recognized masters at the table, each of whom has a couple of surprises hidden in his sleeve.
How to play?
The developer did not “develop a wheel” and allowed to control all the figures with the mouse. Move the cursor over any shape and click with the left mouse button, and then click again on the square where you want to move this shape.