College Love Story
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College Love Story
Modern computer games are going through several rounds of evolutionary development at once. If until recently all experts unanimously argued that all games, including browser projects, will only increase in terms of performance, today the situation has changed dramatically. Among the huge scattering of modern proposals, one can find projects such as College Love Story. They have absolutely no dynamics, pretentious graphics, complex game mechanics. Nothing at all, except for a catchy plot and story mode.
As paradoxical as it may seem, the overwhelming majority of young users like this format, and it is for this reason that games in this segment have a huge army of fans. Our project is one of the most demanded, which makes it one of the leaders among its “fellows”.
The College Love Story has absolutely no purpose. You cannot somehow influence the fate of the characters, although it must be admitted that as you tell the story, you would like to somehow influence the course of the conversation. Throughout the game, you will only read the correspondence by flipping through the messages. This is a kind of interactive series, where you can simply switch messages. However, even with this simplicity, the game is in high demand.
How to play?
All controls are integrated into the mouse. By pressing the left button, you will scroll through the messages and get acquainted with further twists and turns of an incredibly interesting story. Well, we will not talk about what the characters are talking about. We will leave you the pleasure to get acquainted with the plot of the game on your own.