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You have to participate in the unique story of a blacksmith who knows exactly how to make high-quality weapons and is in great demand among animal warriors. Create high-quality means of exterminating monsters and improve your skills. The game will plunge you into the atmosphere of phased planning when creating weapons and teach you how to allocate resources correctly creating real masterpieces of military affairs.
You control a donkey-blacksmith, who, together with his mobile forge, moves around various neighborhoods. Your task is to fulfill orders of mercenary soldiers who equip themselves in forests to destroy various evil spirits. Your customers are asked to create a certain type of weapon with which they will fight against forest inhabitants. With each level, the task will be noticeably more complicated and new types of weapons will be added to your assortment of goods offered.
However, before you create something complicated, you will have to learn how to cast high-quality swords. To do this, select the vat where the iron will be melted, add resources to it, and monitor the melting time. If you overtime or melt not enough the raw materials, then your sword will not be strong enough and will break after a couple of strokes. After the smelting procedure, proceed to beat off the blade with a hammer. The better you perform each of the stages of work, the higher your customers will appreciate your work. Every aspect is important, even the appearance of the weapon being ordered.
After your customers receive their military goods, they are sent to the forest to eliminate monsters. Each attack of allies on opponents selects a certain amount of strength of the weapon made by you. The more responsible you are in the process of creating this weapon, the more durable it will be. Each kill of the enemy brings you a certain amount of funds that you can use, but you should remember that the allies flee the battlefield as soon as their weapons fail or lose their strength. And these characteristics completely depend on how well you will prove to be a blacksmith, on whose skills a large number of belligerent inhabitants of the fantasy world can rely on.
How to play?
The graphical interface of the game, with which you can interact via the main organs of the mouse, is the only control knob in the game.