Mr. Superfire
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Mr. Superfire
The presented project is an interesting combination of a platformer, an exciting adventure game with an RPG element, and a combination of several very popular games that have been on consoles and managed to gather a huge audience 30 years ago. And given that everything new is a well-forgotten old, it is not surprising that Mr. Superfire has received such huge demand from users and high ratings from subject matter experts.
The project has become a real hit of the current season, as evidenced by the constantly growing online, and if you have been looking for an easy, interesting, and incredibly exciting game for a long time, then you definitely will adore Mr. Superfire.
You control an armed character who moves around the location and shoots opponents. The essence of the game is traditional enough for any platformer of this format - you have to complete the entire level, eliminate all opponents, and collect keys and bonus elements that will improve your current weapon, armor, or other characteristics. And upon completion of all the above tasks, you need to find a way out of the current location.
At all levels, numerous opponents will be waiting for you, each of which will shoot at you. On the good news, it is worth noting the fact that shots and projectiles will fly at you at a moderate speed and you can even dodge while maintaining your health.
However, remember that not only shots can take you out of the game. There are numerous traps on the levels, hitting which will seriously injure you. The game will be lost when all your health is depleted. After completing each level, the system will allow you to buy or upgrade equipment, which will greatly facilitate the process of passing the game.
How to play?
The player is controlled by a block of navigation keys. Movement is regulated by the arrows to the right/left, the jump is activated by pressing the “up” button, but the descent to the level below is activated by the “down” arrow.