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What's great about the is the combination of incongruous things. On the one hand, this is a great way to switch 10 working days and relax, and on the other hand, they will definitely not let you relax in the game. Nevertheless, has gathered a huge audience who faithfully plays their favorite game for months and does not go anywhere. If this is not an ideal browser stick, then what then?
You control a moving object, which as it moves leaves a lane. The essence of the game comes down to the banal expansion of their own territories. The more possessions you have, the more points you have. Become a leader and own huge estates that are worth expanding through aggressive expansionary policies.
The mechanics of the game are extremely simple - you will need to mark the maximum number of neutral and alien territory with a line and close it on your territory. You can’t touch your line, this will lead to defeat. It is also impossible to allow other players to touch your line.
There are two types of players - the first ones want to immediately tear themselves off the maximum number of territories and are at risk for moving far away from their possessions. Recall - if in such a long journey your opponent catches up with you, then you risk losing everything. However, if you manage to go unnoticed, then you will find joining a large number of territories at a time.
The second type of players acts more cautiously and tries not to leave their territories far. This makes sense, because being in close proximity to your possessions you have a serious advantage over attackers. It’s not just easier for you to defend, but you can destroy one opponent after another. At the same time, the strategy of gradual and systematic increase in capacity also has its value. In order to attack the enemy in your territory you do not have to take much risk substituting a bare strip, but the opponent will always be in a vulnerable tactical position.
Choose the strategy that you like best and enjoy total domination on the map.
How to play?
Character control can be done both on the main organs of the mouse and the keyboard (optional and depends on the browser). Choose the most convenient way for you to manipulate and enjoy the dynamics of the cult game, which has fallen in love with thousands of players around the world.

2 years ago
this game is the best but when i play my first game of the day it lags but other from that it is good