Police Chase Motorbike Driver
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Police Chase Motorbike Driver
Since the advent of the original GTA, a huge number of various projects have appeared in the gaming industry, in which users are invited to run around the open world, shoot at whatever they want, and along the way perform some tasks that you can either take or not take. In other words, complete freedom of action, which was enjoyed by a huge number of gamers around the world.
It was this game that became the Police Chase Motorbike Driver, in which the user is invited to run around and shoot at everything that surrounds them. But here you still have to complete tasks, which greatly increases the interest in the gameplay. The game has gathered a large community and a high percentage of positive reviews, which made it a real hit of the season.
You control a character who can move around the map, pick up various items, money, weapons, and complete tasks. The essence of the game comes down to the fact that you have to chase a helicopter that needs to be shot down. However, it is worth remembering that the helicopter moves much faster than the character runs, and before you start shooting at it, you should get a motorcycle, sitting on which it is much easier to complete the task. So first find a vehicle, and only after that take the task of eliminating flying targets.
How to play?
The character is controlled via the WASD key block. Shooting is carried out with the mouse, while the focus of the sight is activated by pressing the right mouse button, and the shot is carried out with the left mouse button. Interaction with the motorcycle is activated by pressing the F button.