Raft Shark Hunting
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Raft Shark Hunting
Among the countless number of modern games, there are projects in which the main character has to survive in harsh conditions. Such projects always collect a colossal amount of positive reviews and are in special demand among gamers. Raft Shark Hunting is no exception and this game has become one of the most popular in the segment of browser projects. If you want to spend several tens of minutes in the intense gameplay, where you have to cope with real sea predators and fight for your life, then take up arms, take the helm of your improvised raft and go ahead for the prey!
You play as the main character, who is on the high seas, among attractive islands with friends on a raft. At some point, your boat is attacked by severe and extremely dangerous sharks. Your friends are being eaten and you are the only survivor of this madness.
Finding yourself in such unenviable conditions, you have to find a way out of the situation and turn from prey into a predator. You have a weapon in your hands and you can control the raft. The goal of the game is to rid the local waters from bloodthirsty predators and to save yourself. You can use any strategy and try different tactics to achieve your goal. It is worth noting that absolutely any methods are really good in this war. Feel free to experiment and find solutions to complex problems.
How to play?
There are two main controls in the game: your character and the raft. Switching between them is carried out by pressing the corresponding button, which is located on the right side of the game screen. The control itself is carried out via navigation keys with a redundant ASDW unit. Shots and aiming procedures are carried out with the mouse. This is done in the same way as in all other modern shooters - aim at the target with the cursor and fire a shot by pressing the left mouse button.