Santa T-Rex Run
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Santa T-Rex Run
The Santa T-Rex Run was created as a simple casual project for those who want to take a short break from their daily work. However, at the time of release, the developers realized that they had made a mistake, because the game, in which it was planned to involve users, for a short time became a real "sticky" for long hours of active gaming.
This is due to the successful combination of simple gameplay and the presence of small complicating elements of the game. Among other things, there is no storyline and no additional requirements for the gamer. All you have to do is run and jump. And it is worth noting that the main character here is a dinosaur - Santa, which is already an extremely unique and unexpected solution. Are you ready to jump high and cover huge distances? Then what are you waiting for?
Your main character runs across the map and along the entire route you will encounter bushes and other obstacles. The essence of the game boils down to the need to successfully jump over these obstacles. However, things are not so simple. From time to time, the movement speed of your T-Rex will dynamically change. In some places, the dinosaur will run much faster than usual, and in other areas, it will slow down. And this is not to say that slowing down will be a simplifying factor since this will happen exactly when you start to get used to the increasing pace. Simply put - such dynamics will seriously complicate the game for you, which makes it even more interesting.
How to play?
All control in the game is reduced to a simple click of the left mouse button. As in the best traditions of browser-based casual projects, there is no need to perform any additional actions and press complex key combinations. Each left-mouse button click will make your dinosaur jump.