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Sorry, this game is not available, please choose another game: is an analog of everyone’s favorite game “Crocodile”, which is based on guessing the word from the picture. In the created lobby, several players gather together, each of whom is given the opportunity to think of a word and draw it in turn. If the rest of the game participants guess the word, then the the one who drew it and the guessers get game points.
The formal goal of the game is to score the highest score among all participants. However, the main goal of the game is the interactive participation of a large group of players who, jointly trying to guess the hidden word. It’s an ideal pastime for those who want to escape from the daily routine and try something completely new.
It is your turn to think of one of three words. After you make your choice, you will have 70 seconds to illustrate the hidden word with the drawing tools that the game will offer. The rest of the game participants in the chat are trying to guess the hidden and drawn word. If one of the participants guesses the word, the system notifies everyone that a particular participant has guessed. In this case, the word in the chat is not displayed until the round timer is over.
In addition to the obvious hints in the form of a picture, the players are shown the number of letters in the hidden word and after the remaining time for solving the system, the system involuntarily opens some letters. If one of the users is distracted and does not draw (or draws inappropriate content), then users will be able to vote for his/her exclusion from the game.
New players may enter the lobby of the game, the number of which is practically unlimited in one game session. The more people playing, the more fun becomes. The system selects players speaking 25 languages. The most active and numerous is English. Chat, make new friends, and enjoy an interactive game that will not leave anyone indifferent. It’s one of the most developing solutions among all modern games of the new generation.
How to play?
All control of the game is carried out using the mouse and the keyboard. The control of drawing tools is intuitive and meets recognized standards for similar apps. Choose the intensity, color, and thickness of the paintbrush and portray what will help players guess the word.